Digital Marketing Specialist
Lydia Baudoux

Base Location
ASG Headquarters in Rochester, Michigan
Industry Experience
Lydia’s background includes a diverse range of skills and expertise in all areas of marketing. She has worked on a wide range of marketing projects, from developing brand strategies and managing social media campaigns to planning large-scale events.
She has a deep understanding of the latest marketing trends and techniques and is always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to engage audiences and drive growth.
Lydia’s vision and creativity will certainly be assets as we continue to grow the ASG brand for the benefit of our clients.
(248) 453-0086
- START DATE: November 2021
- EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelor of Science, Michigan State University, 2020 (Advertising Management)
- COMMUNITY/INDUSTRY INVOLVEMENT: Member of Adcraft Detroit and American Marketing Association of Detroit
- ON HER BUCKET LIST: Explore the delights of Europe, with the opportunity to enjoy scenic hikes, exquisite dining experiences, and, of course, world-renowned wine.
- FAVORITE QUOTE: “We cannot become what we want by remaining who we are.”
- HOBBIES & PASSIONS: Traveling, hiking, yoga, reading, and embracing new experiences.
- FAMILY: Lydia is from a large family of seven with four siblings. Her family has grown with the addition of two nephews and two nieces. She is also recently engaged to her now fiancé, Michael.