Vice President, Operations & Marketing

Stephanie McPherson

Base Location

ASG Headquarters in Rochester, Michigan

Industry Experience

When it comes to growing ASG’s brand awareness and marketing efforts, consider Stephanie the builder, designer, and architect.

For the last 15 years, Stephanie has been responsible for ASG’s Marketing Department. She takes pride in promoting the ASG brand on many platforms, including the website, social media, events, sponsorships, publications, and association involvement. Her goal is to help her recruiters market themselves in their industry specialty as an expert in their field. 

However you first heard about Angott Search Group, you can bet Stephanie was behind it. 

(248) 453-0076


  • START DATE: February 2004
  • EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelor of Science, Oakland University, 2008 (Marketing)
  • COMMUNITY/INDUSTRY INVOLVEMENT: Macomb Charitable Foundation Volunteer.
  • ON HER BUCKET LIST: Be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune. Vacation in a tiki hut in Fiji.
  • FAVORITE QUOTE: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller.
  • HOBBIES & PASSIONS: Stephanie loves being with her kids, dogs, friends, and family. In her free time she enjoys cooking, traveling, and working out.